It’s that time of year again to celebrate authors and books! To stop you going doolally, we’ve come up with the most popular World Book Day costume ideas for teachers, kids, and parents. Pick your favourite character right here - it’s that simple.
Guess what Muggles, the Owl Post has arrived! Get set for Hogwarts to explore the whizzing world of wondrous witchcraft and wizardry. To defeat Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters, there’s just too much miraculous magic and secret spells to learn! Grab hold of your wands and remember the train for school is on platform 9 ¾ this World Book Day. Wingardium Leviosa!
Hold on tight to that glorious golden ticket - you’re going to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory! Recreating Roald Dahl’s little land of crazy candy will keep everyone seriously sweet this World Book Day. With orange faces, tall top hats and humongous human blueberries, you’ll be in a world of pure imagination. Just hold your breath, make a wish, and count to three!
Down the rabbit hole is where story time will be and Mad Hatter’s afternoon tea! Bring the wacky wonders of Wonderland to life for a day of freakish fantasy and mere madness. Just keep an eye out for the White Rabbit scuttling off with his pocket watch. If you follow him, he might just lead you to a potty place that’ll make you curiouser and curiouser!
Come on little munchkins! Celebrate David Walliams’ sensational stories as one of his extraordinary characters. Fancy making big burgers out of pet rats? What about putting slimy slugs under your friends’ pillows? Perhaps helping Granny secretly steal the Crown Jewels would be cool? No matter how daringly daft you want to be, this awesome author gives you the greatest possibilities!
Ever needed a spoonful of sugar from the world’s magical nanny? No need to pop to Cherry Tree Lane, just have her blow in from the East wind for World Book Day. Since there’s an element of fun in every job that must be done, grab your umbrellas and chimney brushes and ‘Chim Chim Cher-ee’ away! A jolly day of sweet songs and delightful dancing will have everyone feeling supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Click your heels three times and there’ll be no place like school this World Book Day! If you take the Yellow Brick Road you might just make some unbelievably unusual friends on the way. But for the sake of your wish, keep to the West where the sun sets and destroy the Wicked Witch of the West and her winged pets. That way, your awe-inspiring adventures can be told with a happy heart, a bright brain and cool courage!
Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! The pretty princesses of fairytales are here to celebrate World Book Day too. Stun every dreamer with a glorious gown and crown and leave a sparkle of magic everywhere you go. Show and tell Disney’s triumphant tales - from the glistening glass slipper to the everlasting hair and frozen powers, it's bound to be the most magical day in school history. If you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true!
In children’s literature, there are some unforgettable creatures that we can’t let go of, no matter how much we grow up. They've taught us how to love, learn and have fun, and a joyful jungle of animals will have World Book Day roaring with excitement. Hop into Mr McGregor's garden or take an adventure around One Hundred Acres Wood - channeling your inner wilderness will lead to some fascinating adventures and some funny noises too!
Dun duh duh dun! World Book Day are calling on super-strong superheroes to keep those comic book villains and crazy book characters in check. For a cool way of storytelling, bring all the colours and capes off the comic page to life for a super-duper day! Swing from building to building or jump across the city rooftops - just make sure you’re as wild as those Marvel and DC C/collections/dc-comics-costumesomics illustrations. Think you got what it takes?

Gather round, adults and children, and retell some of the oldest and best-loved stories in the world. For all those eager ears, draw them in, transport them to another place, and make them feel like anything is possible when you share your favourite childhood tales. Have fun acting out the most famous lines while you run, run as fast as you can!
Now that you’ve been inspired by some of the greatest characters in literature, pick what adventure you want to take this World Book Day. But choose wisely friends, as there’ll be no turning back. You’ll see, hear, smell, touch and taste some things you’ll never forget! Take a look at some more World Book Day costumes right here.