We all remember the popular animated TV series that tells the story of four dysfunctional pupils who attend a school in the quiet town of South Park. Kenny, Cartman, Stan and Kyle go on some wild and bizarre adventures. If you’re heading out on a stag do and fancy adding a touch of 90s nostalgia, put on our Adult South Park Cartman Costume and become the ‘loudmouth’ of the group! It’s an outfit that great for any fancy dress occasion that calls for a hilarious cartoon character!
The Adult South Park Cartman Costume consists of a hooped fleece jumpsuit, with a bright red top and burnt orange trousers. The costume also includes a pair of attached yellow mittens and a cartoon-style mask of Cartman’s face.
Let’s see how long you’ll be able to stay quiet…
The Adult South Park Cartman Costume consists of a hooped fleece jumpsuit, with a bright red top and burnt orange trousers. The costume also includes a pair of attached yellow mittens and a cartoon-style mask of Cartman’s face.
Let’s see how long you’ll be able to stay quiet…
Includes: Jumpsuit, Mask
Size Guide | |
Mens Small | Small, Height: 5'11", Chest: 36"-38", Waist: 30" |
Mens Medium/Standard | Medium/Standard, Height: 5'11", Chest: 40"-42", Waist: 34" |
Mens Large | Large, Height: 5'11", Chest: 42"-46", Waist: 38" |
Mens X-Large | Extra Large, Height: 5'11", Chest: 46", Waist: 40" |